Advanced C++
Duration (in days):

Advanced C++ Training course offers a comprehensive coverage of the advanced features of the C++ language.
The course starts with basic OO concepts, and then a quick introduction to the language. The language is presented, not as an extension of C, but as a demonstration of how object-oriented development promotes a new, productive way of thinking.
Other topics covered include Templates, Standard Template Library (STL) and Exceptions. The course also covers some advanced Object-Oriented design techniques in C++ such as Design Heuristics, Design by Contract, Interfaced-based programming, Composition and Delegation Patterns, Memory Management and Smart Pointers, Subtyping, Design for efficiency and Meta programming in C++.
The course includes a complete overview of the new features in C++11 and C++14
Our goal is to transfer as much knowledge as possible from the classroom to the workplace. Advanced C++ Training course has been carefully designed to ease a C++ programmer into new and advanced language features and advanced Object-Oriented design concepts in C++ with the use of lots of hands-on exercises
Learn how to apply advanced concepts of OO designs
Be able to write and maintain C++ programs
Write robust, maintainable, elegant and efficient C++ code
Be able to deploy good C++ programming practices
Be able to use the advanced features of the C++ programming language
Be able to implement advanced Object-Oriented techniques in C++ to realize efficient and flexible applications
Leave with skills needed to develop industrial C++ applications
Advanced C++ Training course offers a comprehensive coverage of the advanced features of the C++ language.
The course starts with basic OO concepts, and then a quick introduction to the language. The language is presented, not as an extension of C, but as a demonstration of how object-oriented development promotes a new, productive way of thinking.
Other topics covered include Templates, Standard Template Library (STL) and Exceptions. The course also covers some advanced Object-Oriented design techniques in C++ such as Design Heuristics, Design by Contract, Interfaced-based programming, Composition and Delegation Patterns, Memory Management and Smart Pointers, Subtyping, Design for efficiency and Meta programming in C++.
The course includes a complete overview of the new features in C++11 and C++14
Our goal is to transfer as much knowledge as possible from the classroom to the workplace. Advanced C++ Training course has been carefully designed to ease a C++ programmer into new and advanced language features and advanced Object-Oriented design concepts in C++ with the use of lots of hands-on exercises
Anyone that have the ambition of becoming a great C++ programmer.
Language History and C++11/14
History of C++
New in TR1
New in C++11
New in C++14
Language Review and Best Practice: Part I
Object-Oriented Programming
Constructors and Destructors
new and delete
Basic Inheritance
Interface vs. Implementation
Type Inheritance
Implementation Inheritance
Proper Use of C++11 final and override
Virtual Destructors: When and Why?
Inheritance Guidelines
Correct Use of Well Known Language Features
Pointers vs. References vs. Value
Proper Use of const
Proper Use of Inline Functions
Proper Use of static
Proper Use of Default Parameters
Proper Use of friend
Proper Use of namespace
The C++ Way to Cast
Proper Use of friend
Proper Use of Operator Overloading
Copy Constructor: Why/When?
Assignment Operator: Why/When?
The Law of The Big Three
Lessons from Traditional Error Handling
Object-Oriented Error Handling
throw, try and catch
Design of Exception Hierarchies
Proper use of Rethrow
Using unexpected
Exception Pitfalls
Exception Guidelines
Template Classes Definition
Template Classes Implementation
Parametrized Classes
Templates and Non-Type Parameters
Template Guidelines
Templates and Plain Functions
C++ Template Function
Standard Template Library (STL)
STL String
STL Components
Sequence Containers
Use of Iterators in STL
Example of Algorithms
Initialization of Containers
Performance Profiles of Sequence Containers
STL Algorithms
STL vs Boost
Parameterization of Algorithms
Using Functions
Using Function Objects
Using Lambda Expressions
Library of Selected Algorithms
Contributing Algorithms
STL Associative Containers
STL Functors, Allocators and More
Standard Exception
Library Provided Function Objects
Using STL Function Objects and Binders
Complex Number
Smart Pointers
auto_ptr (Deprecated)
shared_ptr (Deprecated)
unique_ptr (Deprecated)
weak_ptr (Deprecated)
Efficiency: Temporary Objects
Temporary Objects: The Problem
Various Techniques to Avoid Temporaries
STL String: How to Avoid Creation of Temporaries
C++11: Move Semantics
Miscellaneous Techniques to Avoid Temporaries
Memory Management
How Does C++ Use Memory?
Basic Guidelines
Implementation of Singletons in C++
Efficient Use of Smart Pointers
Overloading new and delete
The Importance of Data Layout
Hot vs. Cold Memory
Miscellaneous Efficiency Techniques
Design Concerns
Flexibility vs Performance
Lazy Evaluation
Eager Evaluation
Copy on Write Techniques
Data Layout Revisited
Modern Hardware and Cache Pipelines
The Effect of Data Structures and Algorithms
Postcondition and C++
Efficiency Profiles of Libraries
STL and Performance
Cost and Benefits of Threads
Asynchronous Programming
Concept of Delegation
Delegation in C++
Simple Delegation
Static Delegation
Superclass Delegation
Subclass Delegation
Issues With Subclass Delegation in C++
Object Delegation
Strategy Pattern
C++ and Strategy
State Pattern
C++ and State
Design of Composite
Composite and Delegation
Other Delegation Patterns
What is Coupling?
Kinds of Coupling
Identity Coupling
Identity Coupling: Object Lifetimes
Change of Identity
Type Coupling
Implementation Coupling
Interfaces and Implementations
Decoupling by Example
Advanced Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance of Interfaces
Multiple Inheritance of Implementation
Shared Properties
Resolving Ambiguity
Virtual Inheritance
Multi Methods
Double Dispatch
Use of RTTI
Rules and Guidelines
Inheritance of Baseclass Methods
Change of Methods
Contracts and Inheritance
Contracts and Subtyping
Variations of Method Arguments
Rules for Method Arguments
Rules for Changing Return Types
Cancellations of Methods
Design Heuristics
Object-Oriented Design Guidelines
Reflecting Client's View
Express Interfaces Through Objects
Value Objects
Class Invariants
Abstract Base Classes
Classes and Interfaces
Design Interfaces Between Base and Derived Classes
Classes Cohesiveness
Interface Bloat
Encapsulation Leakage